Media coverage today constantly pushes the boundaries of censorship. We are exposed to graphic violence, nude women, and drug use now more than ever. People become gradually desensitized to such media, whether we realize it or not. However, there must still be images and videos that exist outside appropriate bounds.

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What do books like The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, Lord of the Flies, The Color Purple, Lolita, and Slaughterhouse Five have in common? Many may say they are all influential and powerful pieces of literature that have been studied and analyzed across the world. This may be

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The beautiful etches and carvings of scarification are now seen as something that is primal, unnatural, and not socially acceptable. I don’t believe that scarification should be illegal anywhere. It is so much more than what most people view it as. This art form came from within the Western African

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