The new Netflix original series titled Monsters: the Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, has caused quite the controversy online. The series details the life of the Menendez brothers and the torment and sexual abuse they underwent from their father which led them to murder both their parents. On August 20th,
Tag: rape
I have been a HUGE fan of Tyler the Creator for years, even attending his music festival, Camp Flog Gnaw, in 2019. Despite his undeniable music talent, social advocacy for equality, and down-to-earth sense of humor, the artist is in fact not as perfect as we all may think him
“It’s every man’s worst nightmare,” Al Monroe blubbers, handcuffed to the headboard of a bed: “Getting accused like that.” Standing at the foot of the bed—clad in a cliché “sexy nurse” costume and rainbow wig; like a glorious blowup-doll-nightmare come to life—Cassie caustically deadpans: “Can you guess what every woman’s
Judith beheading Holofernes is a biblical story in which a young widow assassinates an Assyrian general who is about to destroy her city. She utilizes her femininity to receive an invitation to his quarters and have drinks with the man, and once he has fallen asleep from drinking, she strikes.
I found this post while just going through twitter, and it really resonated with me, as it could just naturally disrupt someone’s walk through the neighborhood. Painted simply on the sidewalk, it brings to light the tragedy and violent crime that occurred in that space that one could be walking
In September of 2017, the University Kansas curated a powerful art exhibit titled “What Were You Wearing?” In this art exhibit it powerfully answered the question that many people ask victims of sexual assault after the incident. The art exhibit showcases the exact outfit an individual wore when they were
In 1986, a San Francisco native, Larry Harvey, created a 9-foot tall wooden sculpture of a man and burned it at a nearby beach with his friends. Now, over 30 years later, the tradition has continued on in the deserted “Black Rock City” in Nevada where close to 70,000 attendees
One in six women has been sexually assaulted according to (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network). We can see throughout today’s society many different examples of how violence is sexualized. This is what is known and today’s rape and drug culture and we see it all over. We see
In the 21st century, proper justice from the court system seems like a rare occurrence despite how advanced and sophisticated human beings claim to be. Unfortunately, victims are left to their own devices to cope with potentially traumatic experiences, and unsurprisingly, many turn to art as a form of expression
In September 2001, Felipe Coronel of Harlem, New York, debuted as rapper Immortal Technique with his album Revolutionary Vol 1. For the last 16 years, Tech has established himself as a talented songwriter, musician, and social activist. On the surface, Tech appears like another successful pursuant of the American dream