Within the last decade or two, sexualization of females is something that we have become too familiar with to the point where it is simply a normality. This ranges anywhere from advertisements for fast-food chains to celebrities and influencers on social media. Not to mention, these public formalities do not
Tag: sexualviolence

Since the Netflix special on Ted Bundy aired earlier this year, a fascination with Ted Bundy has spread across social media. The serial killer is known for killing more than 30 people in the 70’s. Back in the 70’s people were appalled that Ted Bundy was a serial killer, believing

In November of 2016, South African artists Nondumiso Msimanga and Jenny Nijenhuis created this public art installation with 3,600 pairs of used underwear that ran through 4,000 feet of washing line. The underwear hung above the streets of Johannesburg (the largest city in South Africa) and represented the 3,600 rapes

There was a social movement that went viral in October, 2018. The movement is called Polished Man and in this movement men were wearing nail polish in one of their nails with the purpose of preventing kids that are physically or sexually abused and increase awareness that this problem exist.

In September of 2017, the University Kansas curated a powerful art exhibit titled “What Were You Wearing?” In this art exhibit it powerfully answered the question that many people ask victims of sexual assault after the incident. The art exhibit showcases the exact outfit an individual wore when they were

Whether you believe it or not, the drama that goes down on reality television is nothing short of a properly framed, and well-dressed spectacle, seemingly never ending and always replaced by a new scandal once resolved. The contestants or subjects of various reality shows are given the opportunity to show

“I think I love you, and you just see me as a toy. Because I can’t touch you, because I’m too frightened to show you any affection in case you flinch or tell me off or worse – beat me.” This is a direct quote from the incredibly famous yet

4 in 5 adult men have probably jerked off to this magazine sometime in their life. To them, it’s like, who doesn’t love to flip through pages of naked women, am I right? It all started in 1953 when Hugh Hefner placed a nude photo of Marilyn Monroe on the

Everyone knows Woody Allen’s predatory obsession with young girls has a long history. Starting in 1992, he faced accusations of sexual assault by his own adoptive daughter, Dylan Farrow, who was only seven at the time. After denying all the allegations made against him throughout the child custody trials, he

Brett Easton Ellis, famous author of Less than Zero and American Psycho proves himself to be utterly clueless in his take on #metoo and also his wrong view on David Foster Wallace, a superior writer. Just because Wallace said that Ellis’ work influenced him doesn’t make Wallace a phony. All