Earlier this year Victoria’s Secret announced that they will return with their infamous fashion show. The first Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show was held in 1995 at the Plaza Hotel to showcase lingerie which eventually evolved into a global phenomenon with millions of viewers. The show featured elaborate sets, stunning lingerie,
Tag: advertising

Banana Republic is currently a store known for their business casual clothing, comprised of mid-level priced, versatile yet professional clothes and accessories. The store’s target clientele includes white collar professionals, young and old, and those wishing to present an affordable, luxurious aesthetic. How could this seemingly tame store have such

From supermodel’s chowing down on Carl’s Jr., to celebrities on billboards in nothing but their #MyCalvins, everyone knows just how often sex is used in advertising. This practice dates back to 1871 when a cigarette company plastered the image of a “naked maiden” on their package. It was extremely provocative

The fashion house, Balenciaga, is undergoing major backlash after releasing their Spring/Summer 2023 gift line that appears to show children holding stuffed bears that are dressed in BDSM bondage-like gear. Consumers are saying that this ad is promoting child exploitation. The backlash against the brand was fast, storming the internet

Ever purchase from H&M, Starbucks, or Simple Green Cleaning because they are a more sustainable option? Clearly you have not done your research. There is currently an epidemic plaguing the United States and it is called Greenwashing. Greenwashing is the act in which a company exploits its customers through disingenuously

It has been a long lasting fact that women are continuously sexualized in all forms of promotion. These advertising images that sexualize women are a part of a series of events towards normalizing this sexualization. This ad in particular uses the sexuality and femininity of women to promote a male

For years, companies have used celebrity endorsements to build their brand and appeal to wider audiences. There is a proven psychology that shows celebrities can push customers to buy things regardless of product efficiency, expert opinions, or morals of the company. These endorsements can easily become both unethical and risky

The health and diet food market has a long history of selling us misinformative and fear-mongering slogans to get us to buy their products. It tells us what foods are “detoxifying” versus “poisonous,” what is a “guilty pleasure,” and what is “innocent.” Of course, all foods vary in nutritional value,

If you look up a rap video, chances are you will see an attractive woman in a bikini next to a cool car. Women are often targets to help promote products to increase sales using their bodies or good looks. What are the two best ways to get a man’s

Cultural appropriation is terminology that has started to be used more frequently. Many diverse aspects of our lives that we took as normal are now being seen in a different light. Sports came under fire this past year with the mascots, logos, and names of certain teams. The Washington Redskins