When I think about art I think of it as an expression of ones ideals, beliefs or viewpoints. By this definition one can consider protesting as a form of art because it is taking action to support a certain belief. Peaceful protesting has continuously been utilized throughout our history to
Month: December 2015

An apology was issued recently pertaining to the movie ‘Gods of Egypt’. The movie is about a battle between the ancient gods of Egypt and the mortals who live there. But what has created such a huge controversy within the movie was not the story line itself, but rather, the

Junk drawers. We all have them. A junk drawer is a place where you keep everything that you don’t want and will never use, but that you can’t throw away on the off chance you might actually use it someday. Sometimes its where you throw random little knick-knacks picked up

Martha Wilson is an American feminist and an accomplished performance artist. Throughout her career, she has developed a number of photographic and video works that explore her individual femininity through such performances as role-playing. Much of feminist thinking and activism has stemmed from the question of what women want. More

As rappers go, Drake doesn’t seem like too bad of a guy. While many male rappers blatantly objectify women in their lyrics, Drake worships the “good girl,” a woman who is goal-oriented and virtuous yet sexy. He has made a brand for himself as the sensitive “nice guy.” But while

For many students attending a public university is a financial impossibility. Many of these students, especially those interested in the arts turn to for profit universities like the Art Institutes. Unfortunately, it turns out that the very schools that are supposed to get them jobs and help them save money

In 2013 a computer expert named Edward Snowden leaked thousands of classified documents from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) to several journalists. The information contained within these documents included a number of global surveillance programs run largely by the NSA with the help of telecommunication companies. The public response

When I imagine an artist living in New York this image first comes to my mind: a white male with a well-trimmed beard lounging in his stylish penthouse apartment – hardly a starving artist. And according to the collective BFAMFAPhD’s project “Census Report,” my initial image is a rather accurate

Since the rise of NWA (Niggas with Attitude) in the late 1980’s and 1990’s gangster rap is a very popular genre of rap that seems to dominate the scene. Today we are entering our third generation of gangster rap that seems to be dominated by artist Kendrick Lamar. NWA (first

As far as crimes go murder is probably the worst. Why is it then that society is so constantly drawn to anything relating to murder? Movies and shows that include murder and violence are viewed by millions of people. Society loves hearing about the gruesome deeds of heartless killers. This