Joaquin Guzman Loera, aka “El Chapo”, escaped from a maximum security prison in his native country of Mexico in 2015. What makes this so intriguing is the fact that this was his second successful escape from a prison, first one being in 1993. So how has the leader of one
Year: 2015
Spencer Tunic is a Contemporary photographer famous for his projects involving hundreds, or even thousands of nude volunteers posing for him in public. Tunic claims that, “These grouped masses which do not underscore sexuality become abstractions that challenge or reconfigure one’s views of nudity, privacy and the environment.” Tunic shot
Rihanna is often exalted as the resident “bad girl” for her provocative song lyrics and music videos. She broke ground with S&M by making it mainstream in 2010, shortly after talking about rude boys “trying to get it up.” She is seen as a feminist because she owns her body,
Eileen is a musical group inspired by the creation of murder ballads from a heroine’s perspective. The Chicago based group includes Becky Poole and Christine Stulik who vocalize dark canons with instruments such as the banjo, saw, accordion, and ukulele. Their music follows the traditional ballad form, the lyrics of
Feminism is a really touchy subject that has been discussed so heavily in the media currently. Women fighting for reproductive rights and equal pay have been the U.S narrative. But, there are more radical, and I would say dangerous groups that exist and one is the radfem group FEMEN. Femen
It would seem tasteless, in the wake of the Oregon shootings, to ask anyone to relive them. As would it with any major shooting; for experiencing the event rather than the aftermath means interacting with the killer’s psyche in a manner likely unpleasant and certainly raw. Which leads us to
This last month, three members of the Harvard University debate team went head to head with three inmates convicted of violent crimes in a debate competition. Opposed to popular belief, the losers of this debate were from the top ranked Ivy League University. What does this say about America’s prison
“It’s not crime; It’s artwork… He’s an intellectual” –New York Post Joe Gibbons, at 61 years old, pleaded guilty this year to robbing a bank in Chinatown. His robbery did not involve weapons, however. He simply wrote a note that read “This is a bank robbery. Large Bills. No dye
“It takes a certain talent, genius (if you will) to insult 17,000 people – black, white, male, female, straight, gay, rich and poor – at one time.” -Los Angeles Times The infamous stand-up comedian Ricard Pryor was born December 1st, 1940 in Peoria, Illinois, where his upbringing was anything but
By juxtaposing societal rules and art, Yoko Ono’s “Cut Piece” defied the standards of performance art and blended together two opposite ideals. Prior to her publicized relationship to the Beatle’s John Lennon, Ono was known as a Japanese artist whose avant-garde performance art became popular worldwide. In her later years,