Funerals have become more diverse in the ways people mourn the deceased and celebrate the lives of their lost loved one. In the ABC News Report, Alyssa Newcomb follows the unconventional funeral of Miriam Burbank and gives an example of the controversial practice of post mortem body posing. Miriam Burbank
Month: September 2017

“Cut niggas up, sector by sector/Next to her dead, first cousin and nephew/Next to her head, bloody intestines/Next to her bed, other intestines.” If you’ve ever heard of this lyric, or something similar to it, you’re probably listening to horrorcore, a subgenre of hip hop that focuses on horror filled

As you stand in line at the grocery store, cart laden with groceries, you pause and grab one of the many magazines decorating the checkout line. As you flip through the glossy pages, you may see ads or articles, maps, and photos, but what catches your eye are the beautiful

Are you committing a crime against art if you hate someone’s artwork solely because you dislike the artist as a person? Sean Vanaman, a game developer, recently received poor reviews on his game for that very reason. Firewatch, an indie game from Vanaman, is under hate after a controversial train

On the city streets of San Diego, one of the most creative aspects are daily overlooked and passed by. They are the utility boxes. They are one of the first public art displays people see when exploring the city. Unfortunately it has been almost a decade in some areas since

What if the only way that you could find a criminal was by not only relying on the sketch artist to accurately depict the suspect but having to rely on the description from the witness or victim being accurate as well? To many, this sounds very unreliable and a waste

What is the perfect heist? Take a moment and think about it. Is it simple or elaborate? Is it methodically planned or is it more spontaneous? Here is my definition: The Perfect Heist: Must have careful planning, or none at all. Must have fluid execution. Must be successful; all objectives

Since the days of Tony Hawk and the Bones Brigade, skateboarding has taken the counter-culture, younger generations’ interests by force. The sport itself is so unsafe that it is legally considered a “hazardous recreational activity” and is thus regulated in many states and counties. The main concern regards the liability

Throughout the grand history of art, there has always been individuals who want to profit off the success of major Artists by forging works of art. The media loves a daring art forgery story, such as the in the case of a New York art dealer called Ely Sakhai, who
Have you ever been told that there are specific words one cannot say on television? Such as shit or fuck? This actually is not the case. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) oversees the regulation of US airwaves for TV and Radio, and they have never come out with a specific