A few weeks ago, I watched “The Social Network” for the first time, not at all expecting the controversies and insanity that surrounded the creation and founding of one of the largest, if not the largest, social networking sites in the world: Facebook. Facebook, in and of itself, is an
Day: September 12, 2017

The Charlottesville white nationalist rally in August made international news for its pure outrageousness and the strong emotions it often evoked. Hundreds of tiki-torch-wielding far-right protesters marched through a University of Virginia campus chanting a chorus of xenophobic phrases such as “you… will not… replace us!” There were clashes with

In recent years, several communities have been affected by a rise in anti-Muslim incidents and New York City is no exception. In early July of 2017, several newspapers reported on an incident that took place outside of a mosque in Hyde Park, though it is still unclear to reporters and

This video shows the shutdown of an art studio, Glashaus, here in San Diego. The art studio that artists use to create their work is sacred; without a studio, artists struggle to work on the very tasks they decided to devote their lives to. I asked my artistic friend what