Graffiti is a form of visual art that has been around for centuries, and it has evolved to become one of the most important forms of contemporary art. Graffiti is a type of art that involves creating designs, images, or words on public spaces using different mediums such as spray
Day: May 9, 2023
Social media has increased exponentially over the last two decades, where we see a rise in popularity from its viewers, all increasing in age range. Social media has a spot for everyone, creating thousands upon thousands of niche communities online where one can circulate their own opinion and share it
Is it art or is it a crime? On August 24, 2021, Spencer Elden lawyer up to file his first complaint against the alternative rock band we all know, Nirvana, for their album cover “Nevermind” that was published originally in 1991. Elden is the naked baby who is swimming towards
Is the curse of the Disney channel just a coincidence? American singer/actress Demi Lovato released a documentary titled Dancing with the Devil in 2021 where the singer speaks on her issues with addiction, both drugs and alcohol. Coming out with her near-death encounter, the actress goes into depth about prior