Is cooking an art? This question is something to be pondered on because how can a basic skill that everyone should have be considered an art? I am arguing that the creation of new recipes should be considered an art because the taste is a sense that we too often
Tag: cannibalism

Everyone loves cookies, but how would you feel about a cookie with a special ingredient. That special ingredient being someone’s grandfather’s ashes. Sounds good, right? A high school student at Da Vinci Charter Academy in Davis, California brought cookies to her school and gave them to her classmates; however, she

“Cut niggas up, sector by sector/Next to her dead, first cousin and nephew/Next to her head, bloody intestines/Next to her bed, other intestines.” If you’ve ever heard of this lyric, or something similar to it, you’re probably listening to horrorcore, a subgenre of hip hop that focuses on horror filled