The 2011 film, This is Not a Film, is a documentary created by and centered around Iranian filmmaker, Jafar Panahi, as he goes about day-to-day life under house arrest and censorship forced on him by the Iranian government. Throughout the film, Panahi is shown attempting to appeal his sentencing of
Tag: freedom of expression
Rap music has often been criticized for its vulgar language and explicit lyrics, that narrate criminal acts. Some argue that rap music glorifies crimes relating to gang violence, drug abuse, and misogyny. As a result, some have suggested that rap music encourages criminal behaviors and is responsible for a rise
You may be wondering how can a sport such as skateboarding be considered art, however, I am here to tell you why. An artist doesn’t come out of the womb being Pablo Picasso, they must first gain experience and go through cycles of emotions to get inspiration for their painting,
In 2016 Colin Kaepernick, the then quarterback of the 49ers NFL football team, did something that caught the attention of many around the world. Some were positively moved and others were outraged at him for kneeling during the national anthem in an NFL football game. During this time, there was
The war in Ukraine has taken social media by a blast, just as most social issues do for at least some time. A persistent issue that has re-emerged during these tumultuous times on social media is the beauty of freedom of speech. Varying opinions on a matter are valuable in
Creating rap music is one way human beings can express themselves through the sharps and flats of a key, the rhyming pattern of the lyrics, and the rests, the beats, or the speed of the song. It was a new form of art that began in the streets of New
Even teachers can get suspended now a days, but not for an extravagant reason. A simple costume worn on Halloween is sufficient to remove them from campus on paid leave. I feel like we are seeing more and more of these types of articles in modern society, articles showing people
This month, Kathy Griffin appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher to discuss her career after the controversial photo of her holding a fake severed head of Donald Trump was released. Griffin stated that her career was “taken away overnight.” The photo gained her negative notoriety that came in the
The case of Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky reached the Supreme Court February 28 in order to discuss Minnesota’s law involving attire while going to a polling place. In the state, the law restricts residents from having on political attire while they go to vote. Additionally, how the law is