In March of 2015, an artist named Kenneth Goldsmith recited an autopsy report from the St. Louis County Office of the Medical Examiner. Read at Interrupt 3, a conference that “highlights text and/or/as image, art and/or/as language, with a particular investment in digitally mediated language art”, Goldsmith received mixed reception
Tag: michaelbrown

Throughout the decades, artists have attempted to capture the allusive component of creativity and originality. Most institutions of education devote countless hours and resources to ensure students are thinking in a creative manner. However, American poet and founding editor of UbuWeb, Kenneth Goldsmith, would argue that the quest for originality

In March, 2015, Kenneth Goldsmith is still reciting his conceptual, uncreative poetry of rearranging pre-existing documents, but this time decides to rearrange Michael Brown’s autopsy report and title it “The Body of Michael Brown.” The reading during the conference Interrupt 3 at Brown University received few responses from the audience