At the age of 21 Maya Lin created the design for one of the most historic and controversial memorial honoring the lives of the soldiers that were killed or went missing at the Vietnam War from 1954-1975. Why is a memorial such a controversial topic, we are honoring the United
Tag: politics

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. We use it to stay connected with friends and family, learn about current events, and express ourselves. But what happens when private companies own the social media platforms we rely on? In the most recent immediate news, Elon Musk took
Rap music has often been criticized for its vulgar language and explicit lyrics, that narrate criminal acts. Some argue that rap music glorifies crimes relating to gang violence, drug abuse, and misogyny. As a result, some have suggested that rap music encourages criminal behaviors and is responsible for a rise

COVID-19, and almost everything surrounding it (in the US, at least), makes me angry. Or tired, or maybe depressed? Most likely, it’s all of the above to some extent. I don’t doubt that a majority, or at the very least a large sum of people feel the same about this

The infamous meat dress that was worn by Lady Gaga at the 2010 MTV Awards is an outfit that will be talked about for centuries to come. It was a statement piece no one was expecting yet it left an impression either positive or negative on every person. It was

The beautiful etches and carvings of scarification are now seen as something that is primal, unnatural, and not socially acceptable. I don’t believe that scarification should be illegal anywhere. It is so much more than what most people view it as. This art form came from within the Western African

On the afternoon of January 6th, 2021, I was laying on the couch in my living room in a half-asleep daze after having my wisdom teeth removed that morning. Also on that day, a group of right-wing conspiracy theorists stormed the U.S. capital in opposition to the 2020 election, in

Pictured above is an image of a figure sitting idly by a river, looking out to the small waterfall directly ahead and the mountains that tower in the distance. You wouldn’t think there was anything interesting about this painting, its just another landscape. In fact, you likely don’t even recognize

When looking at the history of art and art ownership, it is evident that art has commonly been created by artists from lower classes specifically for the use of society’s wealthy, powerful figures. Although an artist would create their art and be compensated for it, the message of the art

Anonymous activist art collective, Indecline, made headlines with a series of illegal art displays. In the summer of 2016, amidst the presidential campaign, the unidentified artists erected a 6-foot-5 clay and silicone sculpture depicting a naked Donald Trump on the streets of San Francisco. The sculpture elicited a sensational reaction