The World Cup is a soccer sport that is played every 4 years, and it brings out the best in people because they are able to support their nationality and culture all together while valuing the professional skills and talent of professional athletes. In 2022’s World Cup, a professional athlete
Tag: women

Vanessa Guillén was a 20 year-old United States Army soldier, her friends and family described her as brave, courageous, warm-hearted and determined. She was eager to tackle the duties of a soldier, and serving the country had been her dream since childhood. Quickly she learned the reality that many women

“If you think your life cannot make a difference, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.” A revolution inside THE revolution, erased from history. The Sandinista National Liberation Front was a left-wing political party in Nicaragua that came to power in 1979 after they overthrew the dictator Anastasio

Yet another victim of gun violence, the female rapper Megan Thee Stallion was shot in the foot by Canadian Rapper Tory Lanez. In July of 2020, after an argument broke out, Megan Thee Stallion decided to get out of the car and walk away. After she got out of the

When you think of horror movies what’s the first thing you think of? Women screaming at the top of their lungs? Amazing practical effects? How do they keep shitting out so many of the same movie every few years? All valid observations. As a fan of horror myself, I tend

Listening to the radio might be a relatively passive activity, but in some cases, the process of curating the public’s listening experience is not only active and deliberate; it is targeted. To the average listener enjoying a country radio station, there may appear to be nothing amiss or overtly discriminatory

“Idle hands work for Hitler!” Thousands of posters declared in World War II-era America. “Our boys need sox! Knit your bit!” Mid-1940s propaganda aimed at women back home was typically used to encourage female involvement in war efforts through domestic craftsmanship and economic stimulation in the absence of male workers.