A movie, starring Seth Rogan and James Franco, satirizing the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-Un, and a plan to assassinate the leader, *recently created quite a stir in the media and in global affairs. The Interview was set to release on Christmas Eve 2014, but due to a mass hack
Day: September 19, 2017
Talk to your average college kid about the animated and highly-creative television show “Rick and Morty”, and they will either look at you puzzlingly or jump with excitement. I am an individual in the latter category due to the fact that the show’s episodes are not only entertaining, but continuously
In September 2001, Felipe Coronel of Harlem, New York, debuted as rapper Immortal Technique with his album Revolutionary Vol 1. For the last 16 years, Tech has established himself as a talented songwriter, musician, and social activist. On the surface, Tech appears like another successful pursuant of the American dream