Woodstock’s Pizza on College Blvd has been the college town pizza place for San Diego State students for decades. My high school vice principal, who is an SDSU alum told me about Woodstock’s three years ago, before I had even committed to the University yet. He told me that it
Month: November 2017

Have you ever engaged in an argument that was so riveting, so engaging, that you thought about it long after the fact? Why is engaging in a debate so entertaining? It could stem from our desire to dominate and win against those around us (we know this is rooted in

On November 9th, 2014, a New York painter made a provocative statement about the supposed “whoring” of artists taking place across the United States. The conceptual and digital artist known as Ryder Ripps accepted a residency from the Ace Hotel located in downtown Manhattan. The term artist-in-residence refers to a

Imagine gathering in a city square to mourn the death of a beloved political leader. Days later, you participate in active political protests here, and eventually these demonstrations get increasingly intense. This causes the leader of your country to order arrests and massacre of your fellow demonstrators. After this, you

In the art market, secrecy is often practiced to protect the privacy of the buyer and/or seller, and to add a sense of mystique to what otherwise is crass commerce. However, this manner of trade has been a point which can be used to promote criminal activities such as money

It seems that we can’t even go a day or two without some sort of patriotic controversy rocking the nation. In more recent events, the “Take A Knee” controversy divided the nation into two opposing sides. Most recently, however, we have a new patriotism-related offense to get worked up over.

When I visited Huis Marseille, a photography museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, I discovered Lionel Wendt, a man who hid his sexuality from the public eye despite his homoerotic photography. Born in Colombo, Sri Lanka (formerly the British colony Ceylon between 1802 and 1948), Lionel Wendt lived from 1900 to

What do you think of when you hear the word incarceration? Orange Jumpsuits? Black and white stripped clothing? Jail cells? What about art? A man who goes by the name of Alex (no last name) started a forum for incarcerated individuals to display their art on a website for the

You are a bank teller at Capital One’s branch in Chinatown. A man walks up to you and gives you a note saying, “This is A ROBBERY—LARGE Bills—NO DYE PACKS/No GPS.” He also takes out a pink and silver video camera and points it at you. You give him money
Time and time again, pedophilia has been recognized as either a mental disorder or simply as an involuntary attraction to children. Regardless, society tends to be very uncomfortable with the topic. Stores that sell items for sexual pleasure are common and plentiful in any city. They’re not always the most