This Staples employee decided to color his face black to be a sharpie for Halloween. The internet world is going ballistic saying this is interpreting blackface. People are saying he is braking Staples protocol and should be removed as a Staples employee because he is sending the wrong message. To
Month: December 2017
Criminal behavior has been defined in many theories. A lot of these discuss the evidence that crime occurs as a result of biological or sociological circumstances. It draws question of whether crime is a result of inherent human nature, or that society provides elements that cause people to commit crime.

A painting created and inspired by the Trayvon Martin case boldly symbolizes the racism in the American Criminal Justice system. The artist, Michael D’Antuono, was outraged by George Zimmerman trying to profit from killing a teenager armed with skittles. Zimmerman sold one of his paintings on eBay for $100,000, and
GoFundMe is a crowdfunding platform that allows people to raise money for almost about anything, such as graduations, tragedies, etc… For example if a family member has cancer a Gofundme account can be created to raise money for their treatments. From 2010 to 2017, over $5 billion was raised on

When you think of Vegas, one pseudonym pops into your mind; Sin City. Las Vegas, Nevada is the pinnacle of legalized progressive thought shoved together into a city in the middle of the desert. One could do basically whatever they want and as the saying goes, “what happens in Vegas,

In the four years of being a college student, I’ll admit to seeing my fair share of questionable activities. I remember once as a junior, I came across a person (let’s call him Gregg) who collected traffic signs. In his dorm, his walls were a collage of stop signs, no
John Robert Hill, also known as Boonk Gang, went viral on Instagram for posting videos of himself stealing from fast food restaurants, barber shops, and random people off the streets. Hill gets millions of views for his version of “art”. Is committing burglary socially acceptable when someone is doing it

The practices of body art date back thousands of years, with some of the oldest evidence of tattooing dating back about 6,000 years. Body modification in ancient times differed depending on the society it was practiced in, but it is believed that it ranged from sacred and religious practices to

Controversy has surrounded the recent incarceration Meek Mill. Over the last decade, Mill has become a popular rapper and recording artist, most known for songs such as “Ima Boss” and “All Eyes on You”. He grew up in the projects of North Philadelphia, and began freestyle rapping at age 12.

The girls are gliding makeup onto their faces, spinning around in their dresses. The boys throw on their best collared shirts and spray just a little too much cologne on. Drinks are being passed round with the bong, and the music is pounding through the speakers: “I told you ni*as