“Comic strips have historically been full of ugly stereotypes, the hallmark of writers too lazy to honestly observe the world.” Bill Watterson wrote this in his tenth-anniversary book of Calvin and Hobbes. When I first read this quote, I was surprised by how insightful it was, especially considering our current
Day: October 12, 2021

With climate change being a more pressing issue than ever, it seems like great news that corporations are stepping up to the plate to tackle this urgent problem before it’s too late. Ikea, everyone’s favorite do-it-yourself Swedish home retailer, promises that by 2030, they will be more sustainable than ever.

**(Recently on the archive, another article was published on Manscaped’s eye-catching marketing tactics. While both articles were conceived of independently with no prior knowledge on either author’s part, I encourage readers to also read over Chloe King’s article, as well, as it offers a separate but related and valuable perspective.)**
The accessible use of video games has proliferated American youths with hot name titles such as Fortnite, Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto. With the rise of video games, some critics like to also point out the rise in mass shootings. These accusations can be based on in-game actions