In 2017, the UN Security Council unanimously voted in Resolution 2347, which condemned the destruction of cultural/religious heritage sites and the looting, smuggling, and sail of cultural and religious artifacts, making such actions a, literal, war crime. The importance behind it, as UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova stated, is that “the
Day: October 16, 2021

I have been a HUGE fan of Tyler the Creator for years, even attending his music festival, Camp Flog Gnaw, in 2019. Despite his undeniable music talent, social advocacy for equality, and down-to-earth sense of humor, the artist is in fact not as perfect as we all may think him

Cultural appropriation is terminology that has started to be used more frequently. Many diverse aspects of our lives that we took as normal are now being seen in a different light. Sports came under fire this past year with the mascots, logos, and names of certain teams. The Washington Redskins