The art of graffiti has been portrayed for generations, with exquisite artworks displayed in public spaces, ranging from buildings, walls, or any other prominent surfaces. Graffiti is much like other forms of art, that involve drawing, painting, or sculpting, and typically one who forms such types of art strives to
Day: May 7, 2023

One may find the struggle in keeping up with the latest fashion trends on a tight budget, a clothing business; Shein has attracted millions of customers globally in recent years due to their inexpensive fashionable apparel and ability to stay up with the latest fashion trends at a reasonable cost.

In a culture where crime television is viewed by millions, are we as a society justifying the image of the bad boys with good hearts we see on tv? Shows, like Law & Order and CSI, provide viewers the opportunity to look into the ways in which these dangerous criminals

Museums are one of the best places on Earth. They are a place to travel to find old relics, to understand the culture, and to find a better understanding of the past, in hopes that it can guide mankind to a better future. Whether it is a popular one like

Lately you have probably been hearing more and more about AI, or artificial intelligence, and how it is becoming more advanced in all aspects of our lives. One of the more controversial forms of AI as of late has been AI art, and exactly as it sounds it is essentially