If you’re a baseball fan or not, I’m sure you are aware and have the knowledge that Padres fans and Dodger fans do not really get along as their teams are division rivals. I have been a Padres fan all my life and that means I’ve been to games between these 2 teams at Petco Park, the Padres home field, and the entire stadium is filled with Dodger fans. It was always a devastating sight to see as the home team was under represented.

During these games against the division rivals, it never fails where fans from both teams will get into an altercation that leads to a fight. You can look across the field, in the section next to you, above you, and you’ll most likely see something happening between a Padres fan and a Dodger fan. I’ve seen so many punches thrown, bigger, drunk guys falling down, and many spilt beers at the games against these 2 teams. It’s gotten so bad to the point where my mom won’t go to Padres games when they play against the Dodgers because she knows fans can be very violent and she would rather not see or deal with this kind of behavior. Oftentimes, from personal experience, it’s always the dodger fans I see who start the fight whether it’s verbally or physically. It’s sad that it’s gotten to that point before and I’m really happy to say that now that San Diego has had an amazing team these last 3 years with big name players, our stadium is always packed with Padres fans and sold out games almost every night. Our fans have always been classy.

However, the Padres and Dodgers have been facing each other in the playoffs the last couple of years and the stakes and fans are at an all time high. It gets crazy and everyone is so full of emotions. There was a game where the Padres won and there is a viral video of a Padres fan flipping off a Dodger fan and people went crazy. Padres fans have always stayed calm and relaxed and “classy” most of the time, but this video was blowing up as now we finally had our revenge and this Padres fan immediately acted out on the win by flipping off this LA individual.

I don’t hesitate to call that art because it’s art in its truest form. I’ll say it again, I am a huge, diehard fan of baseball, especially the Padres, and we for once, had every right to throw this win in their face. We kicked them out of the playoffs and it was this man’s creative and beautiful way to portray every Padres fan’s emotion at that moment in time. It was very expressive and very emotional to all fans, truly a piece of art.

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25 thoughts on “Stay Classy San Diego

  1. I loved reading this article. I would have to agree that this photo of a Padres fan flipping off a Dodger’s fan is truly art. I am not much of a baseball fan, as well as sports in general, but I am from San Diego where the Padres are from. I remember hearing about their win and seeing everyone excited and happy about the win the next day, and even during that week. This Padres fan encapsulated what San Diegans were feeling.

  2. As a Dodgers fan this picture is funny. There’s always going to be rivalry between teams and I agree that it shouldn’t lead to violence. Maybe alcohol should be limited at the games – if people are drinking a lot during a game and emotions are running high, there’s bound to be some drama especially between rival teams. I don’t like the Padres but I won’t go fight someone because the Dodgers lost. It happens, move on.

  3. I have a love hate relationship when it comes to the Padres. Its 50% loving when they win a game, but also 50% hating when they choke on a game they could’ve won. Personally I find the video as a piece of “art” myself. Its just speaks rivalry when it come to the Dodgers and Padres. Personally when I have gone to games at Petco its mostly love from both sides, but when the Dodgers come to town you already know something is going to go down.

  4. I love this. Giving their energy back to them. It’s sad that this type of treatment is provided by Dodgers fans, however, I appreciate the treatment back. I love how he says that this is art in its truest form because it truly is.

  5. I grew up in LA and I am a Dodgers fan myself, but since moving to San Diego for school, I’ve seen how prevalent this rivalry is and how much violence comes out of it. My boyfriend once went to a Padres game with his friends (he is also a dodgers fan) and there were a group of Padres fans sitting behind them who were yelling at him and his friends the whole time (one friend was a dodgers fan as well and the other was a padres fan). At one point drinks were thrown at them and they managed to hit the one Padres fan there while aiming for the Dodgers fans. It is crazy to see how much people deem this rivalry as something that affects their life so much they have to get violent. At one point my boyfriend was even elbowed really hard by one of the Padres fans. Baseball has always been a sport you should be able to just watch with your loved ones and root for your team, but lately rivalries like these cause these games to no longer be enjoyable when you have someone screaming slurs and curse words to you all throughout the game because you’re a fan of the rival team.

  6. As a sports fan myself, I have witnessed the passion and competitive nature of these type of rivalries no matter what sport it is. One can get really indulged with their favorite team that might lead someone to ‘flip’ a rival team supporter. However, it should not be seen as some form of hatred but rather a sense of passion for the team. As long as no physical damage is done, there is nothing wrong with celebrating a little too hard in the face of a rival, and it feels even better when you do it as revenge. It just shows ones love for the sport and their team.

  7. As a sports fan myself, I have witnessed the passion and competitive nature of these type of rivalries no matter what sport it is. One can get really indulged with their favorite team that it might lead someone to ‘flip’ a rival team supporter. However, it should not be seen as some form of hatred but rather a sense of passion for the team. As long as no physical damage is done, there is nothing wrong with celebrating a little too hard in the face of a rival, and it feels even better when you do it as revenge. It just shows ones love for the sport and their team.

  8. As someone who grew up in a Boston Redsox household, I understand why the Dodgers are so proud and hateful towards the San Diego Padres. I was born and raised here in San Diego, and I’ve always supported the Padres from the sidelines since I wasn’t a huge baseball fan like my mother was with the Redsox, but since I started going to Padres games and representing my home team, this picture brings me immense amounts of joy and euphoria. This is a perfect example of the simplest form of art expression, while having a huge impactful meaning behind it.

  9. Though I think the photo itself posed no real threat or intentional harm, as someone from LA who recently moved to San Diego the rivalry between the Dodgers and Padres is comedic on the surface but has some seriously dangerous implications at times. While I grew up going to Dodger games and can certainly attest to the culture of violence and bigotry their fans embody, it wasn’t until my recent transition to San Diego that I became a fan of baseball and now frequent Padres games. Interesting, I was actually there that night of to the Dodger/Padres series and as someone in full Padres jersey and hat I was honestly scared surrounded by Dodgers fans. I later went out that night any my confusion regarding why or how there are so many Dodger fans in SD to begin with was met with fear I experienced at the game. Overall, baseball is fun and competitive, but cultures of violence should play no role in any fanbase, it takes away from the enjoyment.

  10. Even as someone who is not invested in sports, I definitely agree that the photo is a work of art because it shows how strongly people defend their identity, pride and ego. People so closely align with their identity that when their team loses, it also feels like they lose themselves and take it as a personal attack, even though they weren’t the ones playing the game.

  11. I too am a baseball fan. Growing up in Toronto I was a longtime fan of the Toronto Blue Jays, but since moving to San Diego I also cheer for the Padres. It’s evident from just watching these games that the rivalry between Padres and Dodgers fans runs deep. Sports rivalries can oftentimes be intense and emotionally charged, and it’s unfortunate when it escalates to physical altercations and violence. Such behavior detracts from the enjoyment of the game and creates a negative atmosphere for all fans involved. Sports are often praised as they have the power to bring people together, create camaraderie, and foster healthy competition. It’s essential that fans focus on supporting their teams and engaging in positive interactions, rather than resorting to confrontations or disrespectful behavior. Encouraging a sense of unity and respect among fans, regardless of the rivalry, can enhance the overall experience for everyone involved. By doing so it encourages more people to come to the game since I’m sure that many Padres fans have the same sentiment as your mom and would rather stay home when this ugly rivalry surfaces each year.

  12. I too am a baseball fan. Growing up in Toronto I was a longtime fan of the Toronto Blue Jays, but since moving to San Diego I also cheer for the Padres. It’s evident from just watching these games that the rivalry between Padres and Dodgers fans runs deep. Sports rivalries can oftentimes be intense and emotionally charged, and it’s unfortunate when it escalates to physical altercations and violence. Such behavior detracts from the enjoyment of the game and creates a negative atmosphere for all fans involved. Sports are often praised as they have the power to bring people together, create camaraderie, and foster healthy competition. It’s essential that fans focus on supporting their teams and engaging in positive interactions, rather than resorting to confrontations or disrespectful behavior. Encouraging a sense of unity and respect among fans, regardless of the rivalry, can enhance the overall experience for everyone involved. By doing so it encourages more people to come to the game since I’m sure that many Padres fans have the same sentiment as your mom and would rather stay home when this ugly rivalry surfaces each year.

  13. I do agree that this picture is art, it is probably cathartic for Padres fans to see this video considering the rivalry. As someone who grew up in the Bay Area, shifting over to American football for a second, I’ve always heard the stories of the fights that would take place at Raiders vs 49ers games. It got so bad to the point where the NFL had to step in and ban any and all exhibition matches between the Raiders and the 49ers in 2011. I like seeing these videos of fans mocking or poking fun and rival fans and it all being taken light-heartedly. Sports are fun to watch but they’re nothing to get in trouble over.

  14. I also agree with everyone who has been commenting under this post saying that this photo is art in its truest form. This photo captures not only the emotion that the Padres fan is feeling in the moment, but it also captures the history surrounding the two teams. The competitive nature between these two fans represents how one can love something so deeply as to fight and defend that.

  15. As a Dodgers fan, I personally find this picture funny. When it comes to sports, team rivalry is extremely common and adds to the fun of the sport. This image captures the passion one feels for their team and shows the amount of love one has for them. As a fan from the opposing team, I feel that it is just harmless fun between two rival teams.

  16. This photo to me is a form of art. Baseball is just a fun game people enjoy watching. Though there is a constant rivalry between Padres and Dodgers fans, the video that this photo was taken from shows that the Dodgers fan laughed it off when he got flipped off and he did not take it seriously. The Padres fan simply expressed his team’s win in a funny way rather than wanting to cause true harm. In the end, the fans are not even the ones playing the game, and there should not be violence inflicted just by watching others playing.

  17. This photo to me is a form of art. Baseball is just a fun game people enjoy watching. Though there is a constant rivalry between Padres and Dodgers fans, the video that this photo was taken from shows that the Dodgers fan laughed it off when he got flipped off and he did not take it seriously. The Padres fan simply expressed his team’s win in a funny way rather than wanting to cause true harm.

  18. I am also a big baseball fan but for the Yankees and can’t say that I particularly like the Dodgers due to their arrogant fanbase. However, you may possibly be seeing your own team and fans through rose colored lenses as I am sure they are not all as innocent as you have claimed and have Padres fans have likely picked their fair share of fights with the Dodgers fans. Especially considering that the Dodgers tend to win against the Padres, I doubt that the Dodgers fans are the ones in a sour mood. Again, I am not a supporter of either team, and would root for the Padres over the Dodgers, but I am just playing Devil’s advocate.

  19. I remember when I first saw this video on social media. I thought it was funny and not something to take too seriously. I know sports can be life or death for so many people, but I think everyone can agree that it is also just a fun, child’s game played by grown ups. I do also agree that sports are also a form of art that take years and years to perfect. Something as aggressive as a middle finger to the face can feel like such a criminal act that defiles the art of sports, but I think this is very cool.

  20. I am a die-hard Dodgers fan but this picture is just a picture to me. I do understand the emotions that the Padres fan must be going through because I experience it often when watching a Dodgers game or any sports match, especially when in-person. I can see how this one picture could have circulated around as a work of art.

  21. As a big Padres fan myself, I feel the need to agree with most of the statements in this article. Yes, its been great the past few years that we are now competitive with the Dodgers organization, especially after our playoff run last year. However, because of that, whenever the Padres and Dodgers play, I usually at least see one fight during or after the game. However, I might say that the Padres organization might encourage this in some ways. The last home series, the first game on a Friday was beer-fest and Cinco de Mayo. So discounted alcohol and Dodgers fans equal a disaster. Fights also equals press and as many people say, there is no such thing as bad press. I hope the Padres organization addresses the uptick in violence during Dodgers games, but I doubt much of a difference is going to be made.

  22. I’ve heard stories where Dodger fans go to extreme measures to show support for their team, often times leading to physical altercations. The Padres fan must feel a sense of pride and responsibility to stand up for their team. But I think it’s interesting because that could be the nicest Dodgers fan ever but because they’ve been labelled as a “Dodger” and so they get that treatment from the Padres fan.

  23. I love sports, and while this shows an action that isn’t within the norm of a casual life encounter, I can view it from a passionate athletics perspective. We all know how competitive sports teams are, and I personally love to see how invested people become to teams. It brings feelings of joy to see fans so
    committed and passionate towards a team. I am originally from LA…so I’m a Dodger fan and honestly I am not upset at this photo. I get it. This piece of art depicts the true display of deep emotion towards sports.

  24. I love sports, and while this shows an action that isn’t within the norm of a casual life encounter, I can view it from a passionate athletics perspective. We all know how competitive sports teams are, and I personally love to see how invested people become to teams. It brings feelings of joy to see fans so committed and passionate towards a team. I am originally from LA…so I’m a Dodger fan and honestly I am not upset at this photo. I get it. This piece of art depicts the true display of deep emotion towards sports.

  25. It’s interesting in the way that people are fighting for things they love and their identity. Usually, emotional responses will only be triggered by things people care about. In this case, the author, as a Padres fan, loves the team and treats himself as part of the community of Padres. With the communal goal of achieving success, his sense of identity empowered him to be against the rival Dodgers, leading to a sense of belonging as well. And his delight towards the picture of the Padres revenging back Dodgers is therefore understandable.

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