Were the Sex Pistols, the creators of the British punk rock movement, actually punk? This is a difficult question to answer as you take into consideration the reasoning, or more so the person, behind their creation. The genius behind the formation of the Sex Pistols? Malcolm McLaren, or in John
Year: 2023

During the pandemic, most of us got very used to empty roads and dark office buildings. Walking down the street, it was easy to believe that you were the last person on earth, and the whole world had become your playground. Even before, I had often fantasized about the inner

Everyone sympathizes with the struggle of wanting to stay up to date on the latest fashion trends, yet not having enough money to fund the neverending shopping addiction. To all avail, fast fashion is there to save the day. Fast, easy, and always on trend, “fashion” brands like Shein have

You may be wondering how can a sport such as skateboarding be considered art, however, I am here to tell you why. An artist doesn’t come out of the womb being Pablo Picasso, they must first gain experience and go through cycles of emotions to get inspiration for their painting,

Ever purchase from H&M, Starbucks, or Simple Green Cleaning because they are a more sustainable option? Clearly you have not done your research. There is currently an epidemic plaguing the United States and it is called Greenwashing. Greenwashing is the act in which a company exploits its customers through disingenuously

Have you ever sat down and decided to watch a YouTube video for entertainment? If so, what kind of YouTube videos do you watch? If you said anything related to true crime content, congratulations, you are part of the problem. How has this type of content become so normalized in

The art world is often perceived as a place of beauty, culture, and sophistication, but behind the scenes lies a dark reality that is rarely discussed. Art crime has been an issue for centuries, and it has only increased with the rise of the global art market. The art market

Perfect lighting, smooth-licked canvases, and realistic play on light and reflection are all characteristics used to describe the artworks of Vermeer. The Dutch painter was considered one of the Old Masters of the Dutch Golden Age, with his art pieces coveted by many today and sold for tens of millions
The definition of art and artist can be somewhat subjective, and as new technologies rise, the line between what is considered art and what is not is becoming increasingly blurred. Although art generated by artificial intelligence has been around for a bit, it has recently become prolific, and easily accessible

“If you think your life cannot make a difference, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.” A revolution inside THE revolution, erased from history. The Sandinista National Liberation Front was a left-wing political party in Nicaragua that came to power in 1979 after they overthrew the dictator Anastasio