You read the title correctly, a Chinese man was revealed to have donated a grand total of $550,000 to a single twitch streamer over the span of 2024. This money was obtained in various ways, most notably from using his family’s life savings and also theft. Why? The reasoning is
Eddie Castaneda

On August 7, 1984, a French man named Philippe Petit stood 1,350 feet above ground-level on the top of one of the Twin Towers. Petit successfully walked 131 feet on a high-wire between the Twin Towers with no net. The grand performance executed by this artist was unauthorized, which was

On March 6, 1981, Marianne Bachmeier pulled out a .22-caliber pistol in the courtroom and shot her daughter’s murderer in cold blood, 6 shots hit him and ended his life almost instantly. Bachmeier was sentenced to spend 6 years in prison, she was released in 3 years on probation. Considering