Some unreported facts behind the 2007 Boston terror scare: The “hoax devices” were based on Night Writer, a low-cost electronic LED graffiti device developed by Graffiti Research Lab. Here is G.R.L.’s mission statement: “Outfitting graffiti writers, artists and protesters with open-source tools for urban communication.” Unfortunately this statement contains an
Two issues of the underground comic book “Air Pirates Funnies” were published in 1971, with very exacting imitations of trademarked and copyrighted Disney characters, including Mickey Mouse. The stories portrayed the characters engaged in very un-Disney activities, but were produced under the protection of parody and fair use. After one
In 1970 a graffiti culture emerged in New York. Less than a decade later the cultural practice had become an urban fixture, public scourge, and (not least) a full-blown art movement which in its stylistic innovation rivaled anything in modern art history. The rapid evolution of graffiti art followed from
Momentous transformations occur in communities affected by traumatic events. Armed conflicts, occupations, sudden and ongoing political turmoil and natural disasters cause everyday folk to react to tragic issues in diverse ways. From life-saving over-the-top heroism to all-out anarchy of vandalizing and looting, communities are defined by how they respond to
Blistering crimino-musicology from “5 Grams” author Dimitri Bogazianos.
The following text is taken from the Vimeo site for the trailer to The Sheik and I: Commissioned by a Middle Eastern Biennial to make a film on the theme of “art as a subversive act,” independent filmmaker Caveh Zahedi (I AM A SEX ADDICT) goes overboard. Told that he
This is a scene from Larry Clark’s 1995 film “Kids.” Clark became famous in the 70s for his photographs of young people doing lurid things. “Kids” was shocking because it had verisimilitude–it seemed like a nakedly truthful depiction of thoroughly debauched children. It was a huge but controversial indie hit
Scottsdale Fashion Square (aka Scottsdale Quarter) is one of Arizona’s most upscale shopping centers in the state. Scottsdale is ranked fourth in per capita income with a median family worth of $73,846.00 only to be outranked by its neighbors Rio Verde, Carefree, and Paradise Valley topping the list at $164,811.00.
This image depicts a popular medium of communication and expression utilized by Cartel members and organized crime groups in Mexico. They are commonly referred to as “narcomanatas” or “narcomensajes” and are usually placed in some of the busiest avenues in cities of Mexico. Cartels have traditionally preferred to operate using
In this video, it shows that graffiti is an art form. To some, it is believed that graffiti is a creative work of art that are used to express emotion, tell a show, and show the heart and soul of the city, like described in the clip. The artist tag