It appears as if the media has drawn our attention to the bad behavior of celebrities and reality television stars. The reason being because it is exciting, interesting, and undoubtedly catches our attention. Society has norms and when one breaks a norm, they are seen as deviant and frowned upon.
Tag: crime

For many crews and gang members they see graffiti as art not a crime. It helps them express social and political messages and a whole genre of artistic expression. Gangs also like to mark their territory or to serve as an indicator of gang-related activities also known as ‘tagging’. For
Too many people tagging and graffiti is a way to express themselves. They do it to mark their territory or to give respect to other taggers/gang members. I knew tagging and vandalizing property was illegal, but I never knew how seriously it was taken. The FBI has a specific Art

This poem “Gary” by Jeffrey DeLotto seems to be framed around the concept of a man speaking to his wife or girlfriend on the phone. The poem is all of his side of the talking and mostly involves things that are bad in nature. The crime that it displays first
Skateboarding is an art form, not a crime. In this video clip, you see a couple of guys performing tricks. These tricks are thought of and carefully executed. As they film, these tricks they find spots to match the trick. After filming they put footage together and make a film