Jackson Pollock is one of the most celebrated and influential American artists of the 20th century, known for his unique style of abstract expressionism. However, in recent years, the authenticity of his works has been called into question, with some experts alleging that many of the artist’s works are forgeries.
Tag: forgery

In the 1970s, Frank Abagnale Jr. forged and scammed 2.5 million dollars before he was caught and convicted. However, it wasn’t just his genius that allowed him to commit these crimes with such finesse. Frank Abagnale Jr. was a pilot, doctor, and lawyer all before he turned 18 because he

The art world is often perceived as a place of beauty, culture, and sophistication, but behind the scenes lies a dark reality that is rarely discussed. Art crime has been an issue for centuries, and it has only increased with the rise of the global art market. The art market

Perfect lighting, smooth-licked canvases, and realistic play on light and reflection are all characteristics used to describe the artworks of Vermeer. The Dutch painter was considered one of the Old Masters of the Dutch Golden Age, with his art pieces coveted by many today and sold for tens of millions

The term ‘forgery’ is usually tied to the notion of replication, or creating copies of something so perfect that they are indistinguishable from the original. It is a concept often associated with the illegal printing of money or with copying signatures, and when it is applied to the art world,

Would you undergo plastic surgery for art? French artist, ORLAN, has drastically challenged how far one will go for art by utilizing her body as an architectural canvas. She has undergone many facial and body alterations to represent pieces of artwork and enact performances. For example, in 1990, ORLAN underwent

Art can be a lot of different things. It can be subtle or drastic, soft or offensive, concrete or abstract. Art can be a delicately crafted performance intended to shock or make one quietly ponder. It can be a beautifully spun canvas of color, or an image that hurts to

If you have ever been to an art museum, looked through an art book, or even seen a picture of the Mona Lisa, you have seen how intricate and spectacular most famous pieces of artwork are. Now I know for a fact that I would never be able to recreate

Throughout the grand history of art, there has always been individuals who want to profit off the success of major Artists by forging works of art. The media loves a daring art forgery story, such as the in the case of a New York art dealer called Ely Sakhai, who
Mark Landis’s story shows that if you are a philanthropist, you are not really committing a crime by forging art. Landis forged art by numerous artists from Picasso to Walk Disney for 30 years and donated them to various museums. It only took him a few hours to forge one