On the afternoon of January 6th, 2021, I was laying on the couch in my living room in a half-asleep daze after having my wisdom teeth removed that morning. Also on that day, a group of right-wing conspiracy theorists stormed the U.S. capital in opposition to the 2020 election, in
Tag: hoax

Perfect crimes are kept as secrets. PostSecret is a art project/social experiment that invites people from all over the globe to share their secrets anonymously by mailing in a postcard. These postcards are often decorated with hand-drawn art or collage from magazine cutouts that matches the theme of the secret.
Now more than ever being with the influence of social media, such as facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube is easy to find and share a video that we like because it makes us feel better or because it makes us laugh. It is common to browse around our social media
Some unreported facts behind the 2007 Boston terror scare: The “hoax devices” were based on Night Writer, a low-cost electronic LED graffiti device developed by Graffiti Research Lab. Here is G.R.L.’s mission statement: “Outfitting graffiti writers, artists and protesters with open-source tools for urban communication.” Unfortunately this statement contains an