The fan-favorite and emotionally charged television show Gossip Girl captivated audiences worldwide, not least because of Chanel Maya Banks’s iconic portrayal of Vanessa Abrams. Known for her intense, unconventional performance, Banks brought to life Vanessa Abrams—a sullen, headstrong individual with a shaved head, hippie parents, and a penchant for
Tag: mystery
The historical biographies of both musical composers Antonio Salieri (1750-1825) and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) involves a triad including mystery, musical art, and suspicious death. Antonio Salieri was born August 18th, 1750 in Legnago, Italy, to a father, who he was denominated after, and to a mother who there is
The question that will constantly pop in your head when you are watching the play, “Crime and Pun-ishment: A Mobster Murder Mystery.” A play where you get to feel like you are part of the scenes while provided a three course meal, where you are trying to discover the answers