The girls are gliding makeup onto their faces, spinning around in their dresses. The boys throw on their best collared shirts and spray just a little too much cologne on. Drinks are being passed round with the bong, and the music is pounding through the speakers: “I told you ni*as
Tag: sexualviolence

Game of Thrones is one of the most, if not the most, watched show on television to this date. It has a viewership of 25 million in the US alone, not factoring in fans in the UK, and worldwide. This intricately crafted, essentially cinematic experience thrives on the more taboo

Who better to shed light on gender issues and violence then those objectifying themselves in beauty pageants? The Miss Peru 2018 contestants used their event this year to shed light on an important issue in their country, gender violence. A lot of countries and cultures have an unspoken realization of

One in six women has been sexually assaulted according to (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network). We can see throughout today’s society many different examples of how violence is sexualized. This is what is known and today’s rape and drug culture and we see it all over. We see

When I was five years old, and my little sister four, my parents bought a new house and we moved. The new house was awesome! It had stairs, it was blue, had a huge back yard, and even a swimming pool! All the finances were settled, we were finally all
Sex offenders have always been put in a bad light, for good reason. But Long Beach’s restrictions on where sex offenders can travel and live have caused them to live in clusters. Is this a good or bad thing? How do you think this is beneficial or is detrimental to

In the world of fashion photography, there seems to be a trend of including sexual violence. Photographs from high end companies that feature abuse towards models are becoming more and more common. For what reason, we can’t be entirely sure. This is obviously wrong, but I’d like to dive into

As the Holiday season nears closer and closer as does the excitement for festivities, traditions, and cheer. While most holiday ad campaigns are uplifting, positive, and centered around family morals, I personally was appalled by Bloomingdales’ newest campaign that states, “Spike your best friend’s eggnog when they’re not looking.” Not

Everyone has a fetish and this woman is just helping them dress for it. Australian designer Teale Coco began designing bondage and goth inspired clothes at the age of 20 after modeling in New Zealand, Korea and Japan. She calls herself a rebel and designs fashionable fetish wear- including harnesses,