This one is pretty graphic and creepy, but it’s about an 18th century French anatomist named Honore Fragonard, cousin of Jean Honore Fragonard. Originally, he was a professor of anatomy at a university, but was expelled six years later as a madman. Honore Fragonard would acquire corpses, sculpt them into certain positions, and sell them to the Aristocracy where they would put on exhibitions from the corpses. It’s claimed that he acquired these corpses from, medical schools, executions, and even fresh graves. The part about this that could be considered criminalizing is the questionable methods in which this artist obtained his corpses. Considering he was already expelled from his university because he was considered a madman, I wouldn’t hold it past someone like him to dig graves for the sake of his art. Would someone like this be investigated for crime in today’s society?

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