Student Will Not Rest Until Rapist Expelled

Emma Sulkowicz, a student at Columbia University, was raped the very first day of her sophomore year in college. It happened right in her dorm room as well. Her offender assaulted her and at least two other female students. Three cases were brought against her rapist, and in all three cases he was dismissed. In effort to bring awareness to rape victims, Sulkowicz began carrying a twin sized mattress everywhere she went. She vows that she will carry it until her rapist is expelled. Sexual harassment and rape is too common for college campuses. The social expectancy of these assaults take away from how harmful and impacting they are to the victims. Sulkowicz’s performance art is peaceful, yet widely grabs attention from not only her close circle, but from almost anywhere on campus. Rape is such a sensitive and dark issue, but Sulkowicz is overcoming her insecurities by sharing her story with strangers in hopes of helping turn rape crimes into a more serious issue.

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