When is something considered “art”? Is something considered art when it serves a valuable purpose and results in some positive outcome? It has been postulated that “that which harms has no value”. But perhaps, artistic value exists in the sheer fact that emotion is evoked and creativity is involved. One’s
Month: May 2016

Sagging pants has become an iconic staple in modern hip hop and fashion. In today’s culture, if you are not wearing you pants below your waist, you are wearing them wrong. It is normal for adults or the older generation to dislike the current fashion trends, however there have been

The FBI issued a warning August 2015 warning American’s not to purchase antiquities from ISIL or be subject to charges of furnishing support to a terrorist organization. ISIL has been looting in Iraq and Syria, stealing ancient artifacts to sell in support their cause. Reports from the middle east also

Art forgery is an exemplary instance where art and crime intersect. Art forgery is essentially the piracy of another’s artwork, and this can either take the form of discovering a fraudulent piece or creating the counterfeit piece oneself, and selling it as the original or something it is not in