American artist Robert Smithson created an art piece essentially highlighting the earth’s ability to compost and it is named Partially Buried Woodshed. This art piece came to life in 1970 in Kent, Ohio, not long after the tragic Kent State shootings. Some see the burial of the shed as a
Tess Amel

Poor Molly Malone, a historical figure, whose significance and hard work has been overshadowed by sexualization. Indeed, many women aren’t taken seriously for their accomplishments or significance because they are merely seen as sex objects. Women commonly deal with these inequalities and such disrespect privately, however, the Molly Malone statue

Damien Herst forces us to look death in the eye with his art piece from 1991, The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living. Simply put, the discomforting piece consists of a fourteen foot tiger shark stationed in a large tank of formaldehyde. To the eye, it

In the 1980’s, Richard Serra built the “Tilted Arc” in front of the Jacob K. Javits Federal Building in lower Manhattan, New York City. This piece of artwork was, to simply put it, a hunk of steel. However, the creative backstory to the idea was much more intricate. Serra had