It is a well-known societal practice for women to remove their body hair. Usually beginning around puberty, young girls are strongly encouraged to shave, wax, pluck, and thread hair from their face, armpits, legs, stomach, forearms, and pubic area. Women who do not remove their body hair are subjected to
Tag: advertising

**(Recently on the archive, another article was published on Manscaped’s eye-catching marketing tactics. While both articles were conceived of independently with no prior knowledge on either author’s part, I encourage readers to also read over Chloe King’s article, as well, as it offers a separate but related and valuable perspective.)**

The repeatable, memorable nature of viral dances is by design. Creators and influencers make moves that appeal to the masses, not only to view but to imitate and respond in their own posts. The most popular of viral dances may have millions of imitations by viewers, fans, and other aspiring

Have you ever wondered why the fruits and vegetables at the grocery store are so perfect? That is because someone decided that was the image fruit and vegetables had to conform to. Ugly fruits or vegetables are just not good enough. We live in this world that always tells us

In the category concerning displays of artistic hypocrisy, the winner is society’s obsession with ‘sustainability’ muddled with our inability to elicit real action. Some know it as a new trend of minimalist values and a romanticization of how things used to be. Others recognize it for its regenerative practices and

Last Sunday Kanye West performed at Coachella on Easter Sunday for Sunday gospel. While the whole performance revolved around the religious experience, Kanye also was selling merchandise at Coachella. The merchandise stand said “church clothes”. The clothing that was being sold was socks for $50, t-shirts for $70, and sweatshirts

If we translate the poster in the pictures of Foundation ALS from Dutch to English it says: ’Ik ben inmiddels overleden’ which means ‘In the meantime I died’. Yes, you’re reading it correct: the people in the picture sadly lost their fight against ALS and they passed away. Foundation ALS

After completing worldwide research, Dove found that few women view themselves as beautiful. Over 12 years ago Dove created a commercial called Evolution to target advertisements, one of the top contributors to poor self image at the time. This commercial shocked an overwhelming number of viewers who contributed to the

There is a narrative behind the clothes you are wearing right now. This narrative begins from the moment raw material is collected and used to make the fabric, to the last moment the garment exists as torn and scattered bits wherever it ends up. It is basically guaranteed that you

Originality, as defined by Merriam-Webster, states that it is the power of independent thought or constructive imagination. Everyone looks for it, that is originality, within our work, our jobs, our lives, our sense of self. But do you ever stop to think how much of who you are, what you