One of the most recent moral panics to make it to Tennessee state legislation is the criminalization of drag queens. The now-passed legislation has categorized drag as “male or female impersonators” and bans the art form from places where children may be present. The issue was brought to the public’s
Tag: children

The fashion house, Balenciaga, is undergoing major backlash after releasing their Spring/Summer 2023 gift line that appears to show children holding stuffed bears that are dressed in BDSM bondage-like gear. Consumers are saying that this ad is promoting child exploitation. The backlash against the brand was fast, storming the internet

Rapper Pop Smoke was murdered in a Los Angeles rental home on July 9, 2020. He was 20 years old. Social media posts accidently revealed the home address and allowed another group of teen boys to track him with the intent of stealing his luxury jewelry. When a fight erupted

Imagine this. You go into the store to buy the perfect ring. You know your credit card won’t decline. You ask to see the diamond rings because you won’t settle for less. The jeweler lays out the choices in front of you and you marvel at the beauty of the

After nearly 60 years since the release of The Giving Tree, Shel Silverstein has remained one of the most beloved, respected, and enigmatic names within children’s literature. His books and collections of whimsical poems have delighted many loving fans across the world, yet despite the success and acclaim, Silverstein has

On May 31st, 2014, two twelve-year-old girls named Anissa Weir and Morgan Geyser stabbed their friend Payton Leutner nineteen times after they lured her into the woods near their hometown in Waukesha, Wisconsin. After being apprehended, both girls said their motive was that by killing Leutner, they would become

The United States education system is as effective as a car with square tires. I have experienced it first hand; the American education system is outdated and no longer maximizes society’s potential on all aspects of knowledge. Based on Sir Ken Robinson’s idea that “schools kill creativity”, there is evidence

It is a well-known societal practice for women to remove their body hair. Usually beginning around puberty, young girls are strongly encouraged to shave, wax, pluck, and thread hair from their face, armpits, legs, stomach, forearms, and pubic area. Women who do not remove their body hair are subjected to

The Barbie Liberation Organization or BLO, sponsored by RTMark, are a group of artists and activists involved in culture jamming. They gained notoriety in 1993 by switching the voice boxes on talking G.I. Joes and Barbie dolls. The BLO performed “surgery” on a reported 300–500 dolls and then returned them

A 7-year-old boy and his parents are being accused by the public and the media of being racists and discriminators. We are talking about a 7-year-old boy, A KID, who doesn’t really understand much about politics. The reason behind is that the kid decided to set up a hot chocolate