Threats made knowingly and willingly against the President is a felony. Taking a video/photo of a replica of the President’s head and then publishing it, how would one not think there would backlash. Though Kathy Griffin did not get charged with a crime, she did lose a lot more in
Tag: freedomofexpression

Are you committing a crime against art if you hate someone’s artwork solely because you dislike the artist as a person? Sean Vanaman, a game developer, recently received poor reviews on his game for that very reason. Firewatch, an indie game from Vanaman, is under hate after a controversial train

Throughout the decades, artists have attempted to capture the allusive component of creativity and originality. Most institutions of education devote countless hours and resources to ensure students are thinking in a creative manner. However, American poet and founding editor of UbuWeb, Kenneth Goldsmith, would argue that the quest for originality

Art is one of the truest forms of expression. However, artists are often arrested or receive public backlash because of their work. Many places around the world squash this freedom of expression, often citing safety as the issue. This was the case in the arrest of the artist Takeshi Miyakawa.

Earlier this year, Chinese artist Dai Jianyong made a terrible mistake: he made a joke. Specifically, he created a series of images entitled Chrysanthemum Face, depicting a number of people, himself included, scrunching their faces. This was not the problem. Nor was it problematic (for the most part) that the

Ai Wei Wei, born in 1957, grew up as an exile in Shihezi, Xinjiang, because his father was a poet in the Anti-Rightist Movement in China. Basically, political activism and artistic abilities are in his blood. In 1978, he enrolled in the Bejing Film Academy to study animation, until he
Feminism is a really touchy subject that has been discussed so heavily in the media currently. Women fighting for reproductive rights and equal pay have been the U.S narrative. But, there are more radical, and I would say dangerous groups that exist and one is the radfem group FEMEN. Femen

All around the world the Nazi salute is seen as a controversial sign and is avoided at all costs. However, that did not stop actor Jonathan Meese from performing the hail on stage during an event at Kassel University. He was being charged by prosecutors in Germany for a fine

On July 1, 2013 Jeff Olson was acquitted of 13 counts of vandalism charges that could have cost him $13,000 in fines and up to 13 years in jail. The vandalism in question concerned drawings made in chalk on the sidewalks in front of three San Diego Bank of America

This male in front is a high school acquaintance of mine who now attends SDSU. Behind him stands a highly opinionated religious protestor. This photo appeared on my facebook news feed and saw he commented on it stating, “he was basically a super fundamental Christian. I tried offering him a