Graffiti can be seen as art and is also a criminal act of vandalism. in society there is a lot of graffiti that happens, there is two types. one type is gang tagging, which lets gangs of certain areas mark their territory in a non artistic way. another type of
Tag: graffiti

Graffiti on public property is an act of vandalism which is a serious crime. However, to some people it is seen as art. In the image there is graffiti on a train that goes throughout town; therefore, hundreds of people look at the graffiti and have mixed opinions. Some may

Graffiti can be seen all over neighborhoods, especially in lower income neighborhoods where poverty is present. But even in more prosperous neighborhoods can graffiti be seen. Graffiti in itself is an act of vandalism which is a punishable crime, but if tastefully done have been accepted in many neighborhoods rich
There an ongoing debate around graffiti: is it a way to express yourself; is it art? Or, is it merely a criminal activity, an outward expression of social disorganisation and vandalism in an area? Is it the meaningless activity of “criminal people” that causes councils and government millions in cleanup

Crime is something entirely created by society, and sometimes it doesn’t necessarily reflect that societies norms. In this oxymoronic picture, someone has ‘broken the law’ writing a message that might otherwise be considered helpful to a certain areas residents. For example, if this neighborhood experienced a lot of littering (which

In South London a group of artist were jailed because they graffiti a wall. As you can see the picture includes a brown wall with a police officer taking a picture next to a dog and words being painted which is “One Nation Under CCTV”, by a teen in a
This video is a broadcast of a hip hop extravaganza in New York City put into place to raise money for a local graffiti artist who plans on turning himself in for one charge of graffiti. They discuss how they are aware that graffiti is a crime, but state that
Bansky, a well know graffiti artist and political activist based out of England has always been most acknowledged for is art which challenges government. He does not attempt to sell any of his art work, he simply longs to send a message to those who choose to listen. Should this

I have no doubt that this will be the first of many, many posts on the complexity of graffiti. In La Mesa, CA, where I live, the act of making graffiti is unlawful, as is possession on public property of anything deemed an instrument of graffiti (spray paint, oversized markers,