Everyone knows Woody Allen’s predatory obsession with young girls has a long history. Starting in 1992, he faced accusations of sexual assault by his own adoptive daughter, Dylan Farrow, who was only seven at the time. After denying all the allegations made against him throughout the child custody trials, he
Tag: hollywood
In the United States, crime is and always has been viewed as negative, unproductive behavior in society. However, there is a vast difference in how the public perceives different kinds of crimes committed and who commits these crimes, especially due to how media and art outlets portray specific kinds of
When I was five years old, and my little sister four, my parents bought a new house and we moved. The new house was awesome! It had stairs, it was blue, had a huge back yard, and even a swimming pool! All the finances were settled, we were finally all
A movie, starring Seth Rogan and James Franco, satirizing the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-Un, and a plan to assassinate the leader, *recently created quite a stir in the media and in global affairs. The Interview was set to release on Christmas Eve 2014, but due to a mass hack
Dope is a film about a young African-American high school senior named Malcolm, who accidentally finds himself in possession of drugs and a weapon after attending a party hosted by a drug dealer named Dom. The party ended after a shoot out between the rival gangs and police intervention. Despite
Martin Scorsese’s “The Wolf of Wall Street” highlights the life of stockbroker Jordan Belfort and how he and his firm scammed their way to ridiculous wealth. Belfort is played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who brings him to life as a witty, conceited, intelligent, careless, and manipulative stockbroker. The movie glamourizes the
An apology was issued recently pertaining to the movie ‘Gods of Egypt’. The movie is about a battle between the ancient gods of Egypt and the mortals who live there. But what has created such a huge controversy within the movie was not the story line itself, but rather, the
Actor Shia LaBeouf makes a short film which borrows word-for-word dialog from a comic by Dan Clowes (author/artist of Ghost World). The film plays at festivals, then someone notices the uncredited rip-off, and Shia makes weird apologies via Twitter. Then he makes an apology in the sky with an airplane,
You may have seen these gruesome images before, especially if the Black Dahlia case fascinates you. The case surrounding Elizabeth Short’s murder has been made into numerous books and movies, and her unsolved case still attracts major attention over 60 years after her death. It may be a guilty pleasure