In the 1980’s, Richard Serra built the “Tilted Arc” in front of the Jacob K. Javits Federal Building in lower Manhattan, New York City. This piece of artwork was, to simply put it, a hunk of steel. However, the creative backstory to the idea was much more intricate. Serra had
Tag: new york city

In the streets of New York, there is a public underground of gamblers and “hustlers” that earn their meager income through cutthroat games of chess. These so-called “chess hustlers” ride a fine line of practicing illegal gambling in public areas like Central Park and providing vast amounts of knowledge to

When listening to hip-hop I never think of where it came from, how it formed, what its influences are. In fact I never think about the historical significance of most music I listen to but that is one of the most interesting aspect of music. It is odd that once

Here is a picture of the French artist Philippe Petit illegally tightrope walking between the World Trade Center Towers. He describes creativity to be fueled by crime in his artwork and in his book. He says that with this illegal high-wire walk he intended to inspire,and give the “gift of