When I visited Huis Marseille, a photography museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, I discovered Lionel Wendt, a man who hid his sexuality from the public eye despite his homoerotic photography. Born in Colombo, Sri Lanka (formerly the British colony Ceylon between 1802 and 1948), Lionel Wendt lived from 1900 to
Tag: photography

In what world is it okay to follow someone from their home to their place of business and to the gym? In what world is it acceptable to document another person’s hardships or the most personal moments of their life without permission or approval? None, you say? Unfortunately, this is

“You have to decide as a child if you want to ‘pass’ into these spaces by wearing a false machismo or do you want to deal with the social consequences of being yourself.” This quote epitomizes the internal conflict children must face when negotiating their own individual self within the

Two years ago, professional photographer Raj Shetye, shot an editorial of a woman surrounded by lustful men in a bus. Two years prior to this photoshoot, A 23 year old woman was raped on a private bus in South Delhi, where she was riding with her friend who was also
http://www.vice.com/read/this-woman-turned-her-collection-of-unsolicited-dick-pics-into-an-art-show I recently found an article about a woman who turned her collection of unsolicited dick pictures into an art show, and it made me wonder if getting unsolicited pictures is sexually offended. We have entered an interesting age where a lot of human interactions occur through electronic devices such

Lessig’s book Free Culture mentions how early in the history of photography, “courts were asked whether the photographer, amateur or professional, required permission before he could capture and print whatever image he wanted.” The argument in favor of this was that the person taking the photograph was “taking” something of

In April of this year, artist Arne Svenson won a court case against his neighbors, who claimed he had invaded their privacy when he started photographing them inside their apartment. In this controversial series called The Neighbors, the 60-year old used a 500mm lens to look through the glass walls

The nude figure has been used to express ideals of beauty and human qualities in Western art for many years. While art history has shown us nude paintings and sculptures of both men and women, male nudity is less accepted and highly controversial. In downtown Ney York, Rivington Design House

What counts as fair use versus copying? What is that line that dictates when it is no longer being inspired and just being a copy? Artist Jason Levesque explains what he thinks are those fine lines when what an artist is doing is no longer appropriation; he also explains when

What happens when you find out that your identity has been stolen? Do you confront the person who has stolen your identity? Do you let it go knowing that the individual has been punished by the law? Does curiosity get the best of you to find out what the person