In 2013 a computer expert named Edward Snowden leaked thousands of classified documents from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) to several journalists. The information contained within these documents included a number of global surveillance programs run largely by the NSA with the help of telecommunication companies. The public response
Tag: publicart

The United States makes up 4.4 percent of the world’s population, yet it houses 22 percent of the world’s criminals. The difference in these percentages is staggering and it speaks volumes to the failing state of the justice system in the United States. The U.S. penal system often traps criminals

These small rectangular works of art have evoked curiosity and has upped the crime rates in the streets of Manhattan. Ryan McGinness created 5 different signs to post around the “rest stops” along the route of the Summer Streets program. Within a few days, these pieces of art were stolen
Have you ever been out driving and seen a crocheted stop sign and wondered to yourself what the purpose was for that? Well apparently so have politicians around San Diego County. This public art display has (controversially) turned over 100 stop signs into brightly blooming flowers using yarn and wire