With all the stress of solidifying the Third Reich’s domination in Europe, the German Nazi soldiers had to unwind somehow – but who would have thought their version of fun would include dressing up in women’s clothing? This paradoxical phenomenon was discovered by artist Martin Dammann who was researching the
Tag: subculture
In 1986, a San Francisco native, Larry Harvey, created a 9-foot tall wooden sculpture of a man and burned it at a nearby beach with his friends. Now, over 30 years later, the tradition has continued on in the deserted “Black Rock City” in Nevada where close to 70,000 attendees
Dungeons and Dragons is the Harry Potter of the board game world: it is constantly targeted for witchcraft and devil worship. Created in 1974, D&D is a game that has been celebrated for its creativity, social prowess, and storytelling. It’s a staple in nerd culture and is even seeing a
What started as a politically active group of college students in 1969 became a terroristic group intent on carrying out bombings in the U.S. through the 1970’s. In an act of protest against the United States government for its actions in the Vietnam War, a group was created known as
A political icon and suffragist, Olive Wharry (December 1886–2 October 1947) defied the odds and broke many boundaries as an artist. Wharry started her career as an art student who played an active role women’s suffrage. Rather than just using definitive art as her form of expression, she resulted to
Shibari and Kinbaku are the Japanese arts of consensual sexual bondage. Shibari literally means “to tie” or “to bind” while Kinbaku-bi means “the beauty of tight binding”. There are debates about the distinction between shibari and kinbaku and whether one term is more appropriate than the other; however, the one
Decades Before Spray Paint Fascinated by traveling art I cannot help but feel a sense of glee when I get to admire a live mural go by me. Freight graffiti, a culture that has exploded into a national art movement has had an impact on the larger American pop culture
The long forgotten Teddy Boy subculture began in London during the initial rise of Rock N’ Roll, in the early 1950s. The style involved an Edwardian Drape Jacket, similar to post-war American zoot suits, and tapered trousers. This subculture marks the first group to differentiate themselves as teenagers, creating a
Is it possible to create an entire community out of a single document? Artist Matthew Britton is currently putting this question to the test. The process is as simple as it gets. All Britton did was create a blank document on Google Docs on the twenty first of November, and
It is apparent in the world today that weed culture is not as subdued as it may have once been. It seems as though young people in particular are more noticeably infatuated with the trend at this point in time, especially through their decisions to wear clothing emblazoned with the