With the upcoming presidential elections this November, both democratic and republican party candidates, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have been campaigning to the masses, and particularly the newest generation of voters, Gen Z. The generational hallmark of this demographic of voters is that they were raised in the new age
Tag: twitter

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. We use it to stay connected with friends and family, learn about current events, and express ourselves. But what happens when private companies own the social media platforms we rely on? In the most recent immediate news, Elon Musk took

In 2019, Taylor Swift opened up about her masters being sold without her knowledge. This act itself was not illegal but it opened up a discussion on the murkiness of artists not having the rights to their own works of art. An artist’s masters are the original recording of a

While many celebrities expressed their support for the reprisal of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement that swept the nation last summer, one artist’s reaction to the protests struck me with surprise. In late May, following the death of George Floyd at the hands of police officers, The 1975’s lead

There is currently an ongoing controversy on Twitter happening after someone posted a video about a day ago regarding a beauty make up artist by the name Amy Malcedo for using a darker shade foundation than her skin tone. This sparked an outage from the Twitter community, particularly POC who

I found this post while just going through twitter, and it really resonated with me, as it could just naturally disrupt someone’s walk through the neighborhood. Painted simply on the sidewalk, it brings to light the tragedy and violent crime that occurred in that space that one could be walking
As technology evolves and social media becomes a greater aspect in our everyday lives is it okay to censor and limit the tweets of individuals that cause great controversy to the entire American public? Although Twitter has been known to block controversial tweets and suspend the accounts of those who

Are you committing a crime against art if you hate someone’s artwork solely because you dislike the artist as a person? Sean Vanaman, a game developer, recently received poor reviews on his game for that very reason. Firewatch, an indie game from Vanaman, is under hate after a controversial train

@DictatorHitler and other parody twitter accounts hold nothing back in the name of humor. Ranging in everything from @LordVoldemort to @yaboybillnye, by acknowledging that they are parody accounts are given full freedom of speech. Whoever controls the account is able wear a mask and show a social media-obsessed version of