The American Dream has originated and continued to be focused on making a life for yourself where you could not have done in your home country. I believe that life and our current society has altered this image. The rich, or the top 10%, has committed so many crimes but
Tag: whitecollarcrime

Martin Scorsese’s “The Wolf of Wall Street” highlights the life of stockbroker Jordan Belfort and how he and his firm scammed their way to ridiculous wealth. Belfort is played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who brings him to life as a witty, conceited, intelligent, careless, and manipulative stockbroker. The movie glamourizes the

Each day, we are lied to anywhere from 10 to 200 times. Strangers lie 3 times within the first 10 minutes of meeting one another, and average married couples lie in 1 out of every 10 interactions, according to Pamela Meyer, author of the book Liespotting. Each and every one

White collar crime is sometimes overlooked by the media with violence and other issues. In reality, these crimes affect more people than street crimes because they have more power and control over more people. One of the main issues is the media because they cover very little dealing with white