Body modification or alteration is the deliberate altering of the human anatomy or phenotype. It is often done for aesthetics, religious beliefs, to display group membership, shock value, self-expression, and other reasons. Some modifications are more socially acceptable in our culture such as: plastic surgery, circumcision, and ear piercings; however

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The real estate market has definitely been hit hard these past couple years. So much so, that Rapid Realty employers have promised employees an additional 15% commission for getting “tatted-up”. Not just any tattoo design, though. The Rapid Realty logo, itself! So far, 37 out of about 700 employees have

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The lines blur where an eccentric hobby and defacement of federal property overlap. I’m sure at some time or another during the past decade you’ve come across a dollar bill with a colorful “Where’s George?” stamped across it. You are then instructed to visit so you can update that

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Have you ever been out driving and seen a crocheted stop sign and wondered to yourself what the purpose was for that? Well apparently so have politicians around San Diego County. This public art display has (controversially) turned over 100 stop signs into brightly blooming flowers using yarn and wire

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