The Fuck Shit Stack that rap has become

“Fuck Shit Stack” by musician/comedian Reggie Watts is essentially a satire on what rap lyrics have become. What was once a form of poetic expression of hardship has turned into a popular music genre with lyrics most people do not even really listen to. In his song “Fuck Shit Stack”, Watts uses excessive amounts of pure profanity in the beginning to mock how vulgar today’s rap is, and later on calls out the frequent objectification of women. He also references the violence found in rap and the rappers that have joined gangs just to gain “street cred” with: I make references to weaponry Ancient, on you I wear bullet-proof vests for no apparent reason other than to create a false sense of importance of which I could never retain on my own. I like to create a buffer memory of incredulity So y’all motherfuckers could never get near to me.

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