Groups, including American diplomats, have begun to attempt to eliminate a recent wave of graffiti in ancient Rome. Many Romans are appreciative of groups’ efforts to clean up Rome. However, not every Roman looks down on the graffiti. Some Romans see graffiti as a last attempt to keep tourists from

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Alexander Riegler, an Austrian artist, has taken art to a new level by installing a one-way bathroom mirror in a restaurant in Vienna. This mirror allows men to look into the ladies’ room from the men’s room. According to the Heute newspaper, Riegsler said that the mirror is an attempt

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Irezumi (入れ墨, 入墨, 紋身, 刺花, 剳青, 黥 or 刺青) is the Japanese name for the traditional tattoos that Yakuza members get. Irezumi means “insert ink” in Japanese. These tattoos were used for decorative and spiritual purposes. The process was done by hand poking, meaning that the ink was inserted beneath

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