“Three Identical Strangers” was released in 2018 and follows the story of three identical triplets who were separated at birth, and later reunited. The three triplets were placed up for adoption at six months old, and the three were placed in different homes. The adoptive parents were never informed that
Day: November 14, 2021

Circulating on platforms such as TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram over the past few months has been the praise and admiration of what has been titled the “good for her” movie genre. While this genre can be empowering, there are a few films that fit into it for the wrong reasons.

If you look up a rap video, chances are you will see an attractive woman in a bikini next to a cool car. Women are often targets to help promote products to increase sales using their bodies or good looks. What are the two best ways to get a man’s
In the age of online dating it can be very difficult to find out who you are actually talking to. Hence the popular term “catfishing” or the process of luring someone into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona. While younger generations have mastered the ability to point