The year 2023 is already proving to be an interesting year for “body trends.” As ridiculous as it sounds, the popularity of different body types fluctuates throughout decades. In the 90s heroin chic took the runways by storm as teenage girls starved themselves to achieve the unattainable looks of Kate Moss, among other supermodels. More recently, in 2020 Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBLs) were in, some women (and men) went as far as injecting dangerous chemicals into their bodies to plump their derrieres. Despite the label of “most dangerous” plastic surgery procedure, with an alarmingly high mortality rate, people placed their looks above the threat of death.

In 2023 we may think we are beyond these dangerous body augmentations, but this is sadly not the case. Ozempic, a diabetes injectable drug, has caused a new craze between celebrities, wealthy housewives, and even ordinary people.

So, what’s the problem? The problem lies in the fact that the trend has caused people suffering with Diabetes to have a difficult time obtaining the life saving drug. People mindlessly inject themselves to achieve a slim figure, ignoring the fact that the drug can cause various cancers and tumor growths. At what point do we as a society draw the line with unattainable beauty standards? Even commercials for the injection harp on its weight loss properties, overshadowing its intended purpose.

Pharmaceutical companies capitalize off of body dysmorphia to sell things too good to be true. Our bodies are designed to keep us alive, and sure it could be beneficial to eat a little healthier, workout 3-4 times a week, or do your best to look presentable at all times, but ultimately even if you do all of these things religiously, you’ll still be left unsatisfied. Our minds have been conditioned to always want the next best thing, and especially for the rich and famous that yields an infinite list.

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7 thoughts on “Ozempic: Criminally Skinny

  1. Reading this article was both eye-opening and disheartening. It’s troubling to see how body trends, which should ideally reflect diversity and self-acceptance, continue to fuel dangerous practices and unattainable ideals. The fact that a life-saving drug like Ozempic is being used as a weight-loss tool speaks volumes about the lengths people will go to chase a fleeting image of beauty. It’s heartbreaking that this trend not only puts users’ health at risk, with potential side effects like cancer and tumors, but also jeopardizes the lives of people with diabetes who genuinely need the drug to survive. I see so many jokes on social media about people being on Ozempic and also blaming people being skinny on being on Ozempic, whether that is true or not. Not only can Ozempic be harmful as a drug, but it can also be harmful as an idea. It just highlights how deep-rooted our obsession with perfection really is. It feels like another chapter in the long history of our society prioritizing appearance over well-being.

  2. I thought that this article was very interesting and brought attention to an important issue in our society today. While you touched on the never-ending beauty toxic trends and all the issues related to using drugs not for their intended purpose, I can’t help but feel like there is a deeper issue at hand. That is, I think that the Ozempic craze in the United States adopted by so many celebrities highlights the toxic beauty standards that exist in our society and the lengths to which the average person and celebrities are willing to go to achieve it. However, beyond this, I think there is a cultural aspect that sheds light on parts of American culture that opt for a “quick fix.” Not only are we a nation that over-uses medications unnecessarily, but we strive for the fastest results and solutions to our problems. People are opting for taking harmful drugs to treat weight problems without addressing the root issue at hand which is often based in behavioral patterns linked to stress and our daily habits. Without addressing these aspects of the problem, it will never really go away. Another point to note is the fact that the recreational use of Ozempic has made it difficult for ill patients in need of the diabetes drug to access it. This only points to a further issue that reveals a sense of inconsideration that puts beauty standards above those in need. In all, the combination of unhealthy beauty standards and unhealthy solutions points to deeper issues that need to be addressed.

  3. I don’t think the trend of profiting off of human insecurities will ever end. In fact, before I did my research and knew what it was, I was considering taking it as well. I think it is really unfortunate that we have to play off of someone’s insecurities to make a “quick buck”. It makes me really sad because it brings me back to when I was in high school. I was so obsessed of being a certain size so that brands like Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch would look good on me. I never ate 3 meals a day and prided myself on only drinking water. Even though I took all these measures to make myself look good, I never was really happy with how I looked. Now that I am older I am learning how to love myself more. I hope that one day we can get to the point where we can feel comfortable and happy in our own bodies.

  4. After the age of 13 when my body started changing, I too fell victim to body dysmorphia and the constant pressures the media pushed onto young women to fit their unattainable beauty standards. A flat stomach, perky breasts, big butt with the perfect shape, when put into words it seems unreasonable but every day more and more women are altering photos of themselves or even going as far as getting life-threatening surgeries costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. And at the flip of a coin that all goes down the drain because a new impossible body type is in style. It is clear that these body trends are money grabs for the beauty industry and it is costing not only adults but teenagers and children their livelihood.

  5. Ozempic should not be a trend or a fad. It is sad to live in a society that body images come in and out of fashion. The trend should always based on health, not on a certain look.

  6. This “Ozempic” trend sounds quite dangerous as the term suggests, and it is even more shocking that it is even a thing going around. The web can be a scary place where young individuals, especially women, look up to these beauty standards informed by celebrities. I believe people should not define beauty from what they observe in media and understand that they are already born beautiful. On the contrary, I believe that if an individual wants to try these trends out of curiosity or do it because they feel comfortable, then they should have the right as it is their body. However, I also believe that such trends such be done in a healthy and careful manner, because such procedures could be detrimental to the individual if not properly done so.

  7. When I first heard of the Ozempic trend I honestly was not shocked. Over the years there have been so many extreme body modification trends that even though I should feel shocked I am not. Kim Kardashian is typically the poster child for ‘body trend of the year’ so I am not surprised that she has been involved with this trend. Celebrities are always the ones who get to decide what is beautiful and then the rest of society has to scramble and try to look their best like them. Beauty truly is pain and it comes in so many forms. From the mildest hair removal all the way up to plastic surgery men and women put themselves through hell just to look their best. Beauty should not just be a trend that you have to conform to year after year because celebrities and companies tell you to. Additionally pharmaceutical companies have the responsibility to ensure that people are using their drug for the proper use and not for alternative uses.

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