Like Professor Kaplan said on his lecture, we have a fascination for crime. ON this clip, crimes such as rape and murder become art. This clip is a trailer for a documentary, it has strong images but it reminded me about the lecture when one of the speakers said that
Johnny Cash was known as the Man in Black and he made of career of singing country songs and ballads. He was very famous for the concerts he played in prisons in California and in the Swedish prison, Pa Osteraker. This is one of his more famous songs, which he
If anyone watches this show, they know that it is an undercover documentary of sorts on the drug trade throughout America with cities such as Detriot, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, etc. On the show dealers are interviewed and explain everything about their business including the products, money gained from selling,

In the 1970’s, pop artist Larry Rivers filmed his documentary entitled “Growing,” The documentary depicted his adolescent daughter’s topless. Twice a year for six years, Rivers filmed his two daughters Emma and Gwynne, sometimes just with their breasts exposed, sometimes naked, as he asked them questions about their bodies and

The Corridos are popular narrative songs and poetry form from Mexico. These songs are often about oppression, history, daily life of someone who is or was involved in the Mexican Cartel. However, this type of music is illegal in Mexico due to the explicit content on the lyrics of these
In CJ 302, we recently talked about what is cultural criminology. It is basically the collective meaning of norms, art, and entertainment with interation with crime. We, as a society, are obessed with crime so we continue to make different forms of it in order to create entertainment for ourselves
Murder has been used as plot in a story for centuries.. “Cirmesploitation”?
Many people believe that graffiti is a crime but always seem to miss the beauty and messages that come with it. A lot of graffiti is created by someone with a artistic mind that can only fit their thoughts on a huge wall like this picture. this is located on
Arthur Fellig, better known as Weegee, was a photographer and photojournalist in 1930s and 40s New York. He documented crime scenes, gangster arrests, and the crowd’s reactions to crimes almost in a glorified fashion. He published a photography book, as well as created an art exhibit of his grisly photography

Hollywood movies such as Ocean’s Eleven, Catch Me If You Can, and The Godfather glorify crime and criminal behavior. In Ocean’s Eleven, a group of thieves rob a casino. The art of movie making has become increasingly interested in turning criminal behavior from socially unacceptable to socially desirable. In these